Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sadness in October

October was a busy month!

In my previous posts I talked of the the visit from Raymond's parents and little Joe's second birthday....very fun and very happy, but unfortunately we had some sadness as well. 

The night of October 7th, my little brother Michael Bug was in a terrible auto accident.  I got a phone call at about 2:30am while my sister and her boyfriend were standing at his side waiting for the ambulance.  I felt like I couldn't breath - I was so worried... so anxious... so upset.  Worrying about something you know is terrible but you do not yet know how terrible - that is the worst feeling!  Michael was ambulanced to a nearby hospital.  They stabilized him and life flighted him to Bismarck, ND.  He was alive and we were grateful and it was a miracle, but we were scared - scared to learn of his injuries.  All day on the 8th the Dr's were checking Michael and finding all his injuries so they could begin treatment.  The day was spent with constant news.....some good and some bad.

Michael had a lot of injuries - scary ones.  He had broken ribs, a fractured hip, a broken arm, a muscle on his broken arm was torn in half, a fractured clavicle, a fractured shoulder, a broken neck (fractured C4), a fractured T5 (mid back vertebra), lacerations to his spleen and kidney, a lot of internal bruising, a bruised spinal cord, and a head injury from blunt impact.  His minor injury was the road rash on his side and his belt buckle cut him up a bit.  I was so thankful he didn't have a severed spinal cord injury which is what leaves people paralyzed.  During Michael's accident he rolled, from what I have been told, the pickup rolled 3 to 4 times.  Michael was thrown around inside a bit, but before the final roll he was ex spelled from the vehicle by going out the drivers door.  We believe it is a blessing he flew out.  He probably won't be with us if he wasn't.

When my Mom and I arrived in Bismarck Michael was going to surgery.  They were putting a plate in his broken arm and going to "clean him up and stitch him up" .  He had dirt and grass inside some of his wounds.  The Dr. also had him in a induced coma.  They wanted him to hold perfectly still so the lacerations on the kidney and spleen would heal.  Not fun to see someone you love so much in a coma!  Michael spent the weekend in the ICU and then moved into a different area of the hospital.  I headed back to Rapid City to take care of the my Joe and my youngest brother Darren.  My Mom stayed with Michael 3 weeks.  Michael is doing incredible right now........I know what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving!  It was a long almost 2 months for him. He was just able to get out of bed and walk last week.  I cannot believe how fast he has healed up!  I am so thankful!  Michael still has quite a bit of rehab to do.  He had a head injury, and his short term memory is a little shaky.  He also has some memory loss, but the Dr. said sometimes it can take 6 months up to a year to get that back.  The memory loss is minor like this past summer and the month of October, but everyday he gets stronger and better.  He came to Rapid on Monday to began inpatient therapy.  He looks great!   

Of course everyone knows why Michael was in his terrible accident - all I have to say about that is yes, it's ultimately his doings, but if anyone reading this right now has NOT drank and drove or let a friend drive after they probably shouldn't be please shoot me an email for being a bitch and judge away at him.  I am pretty confident to say that almost all of us reading this probably have done it at least one time.  And for those of us that have.......be grateful and feel lucky.  Because we are!  I have done it more times than I care to admit.  I AM LUCKY!  And so are you......

Megan our sister, she is a HERO and she saved his life....I have heard people say, "why didn't she take his keys" - "why did she let him drive"? Well when someone tells you they are going to stay with you - why wouldn't you believe them?  What people should be saying is, "WOW - Megan randomly got up in the middle of the night to check up on him!"  I have never done that for anyone.......that I recall anyways.

 I think we are all responsible for ourselves as adults.  At least that is how I was raised to be responsible for myself at some point in time.  Our actions determine our futures or our consequences.  We made our decision about our actions.  No one does it for us.

So there you have it my two sense............in case anyone cares.

The other sad event of October was 10/29/11.  That was the day baby Robert became an angel.  I shouldn't be sad that my son was picked to be an angel, but I am selfish and wanted to spend my life being his Mom.  I am his Mom, but you know what I mean.  That will always be a rough day.  I need to think of something awesome to do every year on that day in his memory.  Any suggestions?  Let me know I would love to hear them!  He must of been watching over his Uncle Michael on October 7th!

 Robert and I 10/28/2009  - First and only time I held him

                   RIP Baby Robert we miss you!                

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