Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Monday, December 19, 2011

What Has Blake Been Up Too........?

 I can't believe how big Blake is getting and how much he has changed since last year! I was thinking about 2012 coming up and comparing him to early 2011. What a big boy!

1.  Blake started preschool this year.  It is just darling let me tell you!  He tells me about school and his teacher Ms. Kiefert (sp?) who I can tell he likes tremendously!  Blake likes to sing songs to Joe that he has learned at preschool and occasionally will put on a little concert in the living room.  He stands on the ottoman and sings his heart out! When he is really feeling it he plays air guitar.  Joe is his biggest fan and has attended every live performance Blake has put on :)  I have also noticed since he started preschool that he really knows his colors, numbers, and is getting good with letters.  He also does a lot more than just scribbling when he colors/draws.  I love looking at his art work!  Just over a week ago my brother Michael and I went to his xmas program.  They created snowmen costumes out of construction paper, yarn, fabric for their scarves, and paper plates.  It was super cute.  Listening to him sing was great too - he did a fantastic job.  I was so proud!

2.  Blake is getting very tall!  We started doing measurements on the trim in the entrance way between the living room and kitchen.  I got a black sharpie and have him stand straight up against it and we draw a line for his height, write his name next to the line, and put the date by it.  (Joe is also being measured :)  I told Blake we will check their height every 6-7 months.  The next measurement is going to be the first week of April 2012 sometime.  He tells me he needs to drink a lot of juice and milk so he is very tall next time!  Once he gets tall enough Daddy is going to buy him a big boy gun.  That frightens me but okay.....

3.  Blake loves animals.  We have 3 dogs now - Syd, Juicy, and Oakley is the newbie - Blake plays with them constantly.  Especially Oakley!  They have a blast (or I feel sorry for the dogs) and I feel like I am a nag because it's a constant, "you guys need to settle down!" coming from me. It is to loud and crazy for the house, but it's a delight to watch them play together.  Joe thinks it's a hoot too!  Blake also has a split personality - he is either his sweet wonderful Blake self or he is Brutus the friendly puppy doggie self.  He will crawl in bed with us panting and barking.  I use to say, "Are you a puppy Blake?" and he would say, "No JuJu I am Brutus the puppy doggie!"  So then I would have to pet his ears and scratch his head.  Now I just know when his second personality Brutus comes and go with it.  ***Blake doesn't really suffer from split personality I am just being silly***  Sometimes folks take things out of context.......  Haha!

4.  Blake loves popsicles, noodles, buns, bread sticks, juice, popcorn, ice-cream, and pancakes.  Literally, those are the only things I can get the boy to eat.  In fact, he would only eat popsicles all day if Raymond and I would allow it.  To be honest I hate to be the bad guy - so when he has had enough popsicles I make Raymond tell him "no" when he asks for another one.  I know.... I am quite clever like that.  Raymond can't figure out why he answers the who is your favorite question as "JuJu's my favorite!"  Tricky tricky I am....too bad Raymond can't be so clever.... :)   He decided this year he hates tomato sauces of any nature.  So no spaghetti, spaghettio's, lasagna, and he is picky with pizza.  It's funny how kids just have a sudden change of heart on food like that!  Someone should teach me this trick!

5.  Blake is very wonderful with Joe.  He loves to make him laugh and knows just how to do it too.  He plays peek-a-boo with him and acts like a crazy monster.  Sometimes they get a little too crazy and have to settle them down with the monster thing, but it is still cute!  Joe has been pretty whinny lately - the terrible 2's - and when he whines Blake will say, "JuJu Joe Joe needs to take a nap now." or "JuJu Joe Joe told me he wants to take a nap and that is why he is crying."  The second one is my personal favorite.  He will also sit there with his hands over his ears shaking his head like he can't believe how terrible Joe is being...haha!  They do play together well and Blake likes to push Joe in his stroller or around the house in his walker toy.  I love the looks on Joe's face when he is listening or watching Blake.  I think Blake is a comfort to him and he knows that's his big brother.  They look a lot alike too.........you can certainly tell they are brothers. 

6.  My favorite quality of Blake is he is so sweet natured and honest.  He is never mean to people and he is kind without trying, almost like it isn't an effort at all.  I love his personality, how he is so eager to tell me stories and he is full of imagination and adventure.  He always admits to breaking something or losing something and apologizes for it right away.  You can't even get mad at him because he handles it almost perfectly!  I think the world would be a better place if more people were like Blake Brunson!

Love you Blakers.......

                Snowman at his Xmas concert :)

Blake and Daddy at their 2011 annual Hippo fountain picture

             Daddy and Blake fishing in Arkansas 2011

                  Goofing off - Jenn, Blake, and Joe - July 2011

                  Can you find Blake??? 

              Do you love DJ Lance in the background?


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