Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Past

So it's literally impossible for me to recap the last like year and half to be "up to par" on the blog, so what I can do is highlight the major events. Most of you know what is going on in my life anyways ;) One year ago this coming Sunday is my one year anniversary! I can't believe Raymond and I have been married that long already - it's not LONG, but I mean a year fly's by quickly! When we got married I was knocked up again but didn't know it. Whitley Don Brunson arrived at 10:47AM Mountain Time on 4/5/2013 of this year :) Best unplanned idea we ever had and I carried her for an entire nine months! She came out perfect and healthy. Plus she was breathing! That can be taken for granted my friends. Even though I let Raymond name the triplets I decided to let him name her too. She is named after Keith Whitley and Don Williams. Apparently these guys are some of Raymond's most favorite country music singers of all time. I personally had no idea who the hell they were, but needless to say I think he did a great job baby naming for the 4th time. Joe started preschool in October 2012. That was a big one for me. I was so afraid for him to go to school for some reason. He LOVES it and is quite a hit at school. I was so worried for him to be in this big huge school and riding the bus and going to PE and working with new therapists and and and............ I majorly overreact with him, but that is a whole another blog post. Blake is still adorable and wonderful........and HELPFUL! If I would of known how helpful 6 yr olds were I would of wanted them around all the time. He never complains about it either. He wants to help me do anything and I am starting to love our conversations. He is so smart and our conversations have jumped into a new level. He is starting kindergarten this year. Well I think I will leave it at that. I have a crying baby that wants to eat.

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