Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ahhh....What a Nice Weekend!

This weekend was filled with commotion, food, fun, great company, drinks, and presents.....lots of presents!

On Friday night Raymond and I went Christmas shopping - literally just started we had NOTHING done.  It was fun......we got the boys their gifts and a few others.  After all the shopping we had supper and went to a movie together.  I was in desperate need for a date night, so it was perfect timing!  Sometimes when you have kids you are so busy running around them you forget about how much fun it is to hang out with each other!

We celebrated the holidays at our house.  I am glad to say my grinchy self was at bay and I really enjoyed our family time!  I even put up the tree on the 24th and decorated the house a little.  How could Santa possibly come to a house with no tree or stockings? 

My Dad came down from my hometown of Mott to have Christmas with us.  The rest was my family, my brothers, and my Mom.  Small but fun.

On Saturday night we got Blake and once we got home we wasted no time.  We baked Santa some cookies, because we wanted him to leave us a good present.  The next morning the kids opened presents and boy did they get a lot of gifts!  Spoiled, but they deserved it. 

Raymond decided to start the floor project in the playroom and my Dad was there to supervise as he would say :)  They did an excellent job!  You are probably wondering why we would need to put a new floor down on a room we just remodeled?  Well.... we have 3 stupid dogs that try to ruin my life.  I know that sounds mean and if they were gone I would be sad, but I am a perfectionist, so having these dogs destroy all our efforts at a nice house makes me fuming MAD!  I cannot understand why Raymond likes them so much because all they do is make me furious! We had a laminate floor and since Juicy our black lab is a brat she thinks it is okay to go "hide" somewhere and pee.  She goes into rooms that I am not frequently in because she knows I won't see her and thinks I will never find it.  This is true to some degree.......well no matter how much I cleaned that floor it just felt disgusting.  Like pee soaked to the bottom of it or something.  I didn't want the kids to play in there which defeats the whole purpose of a playroom.  Raymond agreed it was disgusting,  so now we have slate tile and nothing will get underneath that!!!  In a way it was a blessing because the slate looks nicer I think!  Gotta love $1300 floors wasted!  Damn dogs!

Sunday while the boys worked on the floor I slaved away in the kitchen cooking the meal.  I enjoyed some wine well I cooked, which also makes me feel like I am a better cook ;)

It was a great weekend that went by very fast!  Hope everyone has a wonderful 2012 - it's just around the corner!     

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