Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jenn the Tree Hugger

That title has a funny ring to it huh?  I never thought I would say that about myself.  I never use to be "thrifty" or "environmentally friendly" in fact, I was more like the high maintenance wasteful type. 

Thanks to pinterest and Raymond and I's ambition to save more money I have became rather thrifty and crafty. 

My first thrifty act was making our own laundry detergent.  Not only am I saving tons of money I get a lot of enjoyment out of telling people I make our laundry soap.  I am dorky like that.  With my new recipe I am spending about one cent per load.  I love the stuff too.  At first I thought maybe I loved it because I made it and not because it works awesome.  It isn't like this super awesome detergent by any means, but Raymond and I see no difference from the store bought soap.  Our clothes smell and look clean.  That is enough to make me love it - one penny and I see no difference from the $12-$20 2 gallon bottles at Walmart. Fantastic!

While I was making our laundry soap I decided I wanted to try and make more stuff.  I also discovered that vinegar is pretty awesome stuff.  In fact, you can use just that for a fabric softener.  It does not make your clothes smell like vinegar and it keeps your washing machine sparkling clean!  I found a fabric softener recipe that I really like too.  It is vinegar, water, and conditioner - yes conditioner!  I buy the cheapest bottle of conditioner I can find.  Suave has a big selection and you can pick the one you think smells the best.  I am a sucker for stuff to smell good! 

My other homemade cleaner is 409.  This one I am a little iffy on.  I may do more research to find a different one, but this works well.  It is vinegar, dawn dish soap, borax, and water.  It really smells like vinegar when you are using it, like takes your breathe away almost.  Vinegar is just a really gross smell.  But it can clean a shower like no ones business!  I think I will try and modify the recipe - the one I found needs to be diluted.  By the way - a gallon of vinegar is only like $2!  So I can make a lot of stuff out of a bottle of vinegar!

My next big homemade creation is going to be dishwasher soap.  Word on the street is it only cost around 60 cents a load.  Wow!  I am really addicted to my Cascade Complete - so hopefully I will like this stuff.  As soon as the Cascade is gone I am going to go for it. 

Not only is the savings fun, but to say I make all this stuff is fun.  I always am trying to convince others to try it as well.  Thrifty, fun, and earth friendly :)  Yay!    

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