Picture taken by the lovely Janel Johnson at Janel Johnson Photography

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's the last day of turkey month and I still have not posted what I am thankful for! 

I have so much to be thankful for too!

1.  I have 2 beautiful, fantastic, amazing, little boys in my life that love me unconditionally.  Thank you Blake and Joe - the apples of my eye!  You guys give me so much happiness that words cannot describe it.  I love you both with my whole heart! 

2.  I love my house.  I am so grateful that every night I come home and have a place to sleep, but not just that...... I go to a home I love.  I wouldn't trade my old house to live in a mansion with a butler!  (well a butler might convince me otherwise...haha!)

3.  I have a job..........and it sucks and stresses me out a lot I won't lie - but I have one and so many people are struggling out there trying to find work and a way to pay the bills, so I feel guilty whenever I complain about it and the stress.  I remind myself to be grateful and thankful I have a place to call my work!  Plus I have the greatest coworkers in the entire world.  I guess you have to trade off, you can't have both a fantastic stress free job and the greatest coworkers in the entire world.  I will take the coworkers!

4.  Coffee and Diet Coke

5.  I have 2 angels watching over me.

6.  My brother Michael is alive and here!  You forget how much you love your family and take them for granted, until something terrible happens.  I don't want something terrible to happen for me to be thankful for them, so I will always remember this when I push back a trip to visit or say "I will give them a call tomorrow - I am tired tonight."  There might not always be a tomorrow to talk to them - enjoy every moment you can and make time for the people you love.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in unimportant crap!

7.  I am with the love of my life - need I say more!  I don't know what we do that makes it so great, in fact we have that conversation often pondering that very question.  I am so lucky and grateful to have such a wonderful partner to share my life with!  I wonder what I did right in life to deserve the happiness he gives me!

Happy Thanksgiving month to everyone!  Now bring on Christmas!             

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